Let us make sure we keep what our mammas gave us!!!!
In many countries around the world, October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Breast cancer is the leading cancer in Ghana at 15% according to sources from Korle Bu Teaching hospital (KBTH). In a study at this hospital in 2007, Dr Clegg Lamptey found that 57% of those who presented with breast cancer had advance cancers with average tumor size about 6x7 centimeters. Another interesting finding by his and two other studies- (Mammocare and Komfo Anokye teaching hospital) is that compared to a country like USA, the age of developing breast cancer was younger in Ghanaians- average age is between 40-49years compared to 60 years in the USA. In a joint Kumasi/USA study, the type of breast cancer found in Ghanaian women were similar to those found in African American women, however, the Ghanaian women had cancers which tended to be locally advanced. All this information shows that Ghanaian women need to take personal measures so that there is early detection and treatment of this terrible cancer. Information or knowledge is POWER, and so it is important to be informed. All women need to know that early detection is the BEST PROTECTION.
Cancer is a disease which is causes by normal cells becoming abnormal and growing out of control. It can occur in every organ of your body and if it occurs in the breast it is called Breast cancer. Cells growing fast form a mass called a tumor. Not all tumors are cancers. Some are benign or not cancerous. The cancerous ones are also known as malignant because they can spread to other parts of the body.
Early stages of breast cancer may not show any symptoms or signs. As it grows symptoms may include
A new lump or mass in the breast. (That is why it is important to know what your breasts feel like!!)
Changes in the skin, size or shape of the breast
Discharge from the nipple not associated with breast feeding
Flaky, red, or swollen skin on the breast
A nipple that starts discharging blood, or is very tender or turns inwards (some people have inward turned nipples all their lives)
Unexplained pain in breast or nipple that does not go away. (Pain is not a common symptom of breast cancer unless it has spread)
All women are at risk but more so those above the age of 40years. There are also certain factors which affects your risk of developing breast cancer. Some of these one cannot do anything to change, but there are others that one can influence.
Although these have been discovered, some women with some of these risk factors do not develop breast cancer, and some women who get breast cancer have no apparent risk factors. There seems to be a combination of inherited factors (genetics) and environmental factors that lead to this and many other diseases. Some of these factors include
Being a woman
Getting older (Over 50years)
Have had previous breast cancer
Have never had children or had your first child after age 30 years
Started your period or menses before age 12years or reached menopause after age 50 years
Having close family relatives- mother, sister, daughter who have had breast cancer or ovarian cancer
Have been treated with radiation therapy to the breast or chest in the past
Have used hormone replacement treatment for more than 5years (Used to treat menopause symptoms)
You are overweight
You drink alcohol daily
Being physically inactive
Have a genetic condition involving mutation of genes known as BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.
Some of the above conditions you cannot personally change but others you can influence by life style changes. For example to prevent breast cancer you can
Stay healthy by maintaining a healthy weight
Exercising regularly and staying physically active
Avoid the use of Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT). Find other ways of treating menopausal symptoms
Limit the amount of alcohol that you drink
PRACTICE EARLY DETECTION by taking CONTROL of your breast health. When breast cancer is picked up early, the 5 year survival rate is more than 98%.The American Cancer Society- a trusted organization has recommended the following screening methods
At Age 20 years:
You can choose to do breast self-examination (BSE). It is good to find out how this is done by talking to your health provider, it is usually done in the shower, lying down or standing in front of a mirror. If you are taught, then you can be comfortable doing this by yourself.
Between 20-39 years
Have a health professional do a clinical breast exam (CBE) on you every 3 years or even sooner. This is a breast exam done on you by a trained health provider.
Age 40 years and above:
Have yearly clinical breast exams and mammograms. If you cannot afford a yearly mammogram you can stretch it to every 2 years. It takes about two years for a tumor/mass to grow big enough to cause symptoms for women in their 40s, but for women in their 70s it may take four years.
Even then, 10% of all breast cancers may not be detected by a mammogram. If a mammogram is abnormal, or your breast is dense, a doctor may recommend ultrasound or MRI of the breasts.
A mammogram is a low dose x-ray of your breasts that is able to detect small changes or lumps which are too small or too deep to be felt by you. They are safe, quick and may just be mildly uncomfortable due to the fact that your breasts will be squeezed between two plates of the machine. The squeeze is important to flatten the breast tissue and give a good reading.
When you go for the mammogram make sure you wipe off any powder, cream or deodorant from under your arms and your breasts as these may interfere with the mammogram
Drink sufficient water to keep you well hydrated before the exam
If your breast gets tender during your monthly period/menses, then the best time to have a mammogram done may be one week after your period ends.
Let your doctor know of any symptoms or problems you have before the exam
If your last mammogram was done at a different place or you have a copy of your previous mammograms, then take them with you so that the new one could be compared to the previous ones
A few women have told me that they do not want to get a mammogram because they would rather not know they have breast cancer. I think that is acting like the proverbial ostrich who sticks its head in the sand but the rest of the body is exposed. When breast cancer is discovered late, it may have spread to other parts of the body and the cancer cells strangle the other cells in other organs or parts of the body, causing a lot of pain for the victims. It is not a pleasant situation to be in. It is a painful death. To avoid all this and have your piece of mind, get a mammogram done. There are several health facilities and free standing radiological imaging centers available in Accra, Kumasi, Cape Coast and other regional capitals.
Dr. Barbara Entsuah (Nee Amoo-Lamptey)
Family Medicine Specialist
Monday, November 7, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Free breast cancer screening in Lagos
The exercise aims to encourage regular clinical breast exams, self checks and promote knowledge and awareness of the disease
As part of its activities to create awareness during the month of October, which is breast cancer awareness month worldwide, Stand up to Cancer Naija (SU2CN), a non-profit advocacy group, will conduct free clinical breast exams for women of all ages in Lagos.
SU2CN is a movement reaching out to a world affected either directly or indirectly by breast cancer. The organisation preaches early detection and awareness as means of fighting the disease.
SU2CN is made up of young professionals in Nigeria. The executives include: Constant Asabia, a senior special adviser to the Ondo State Governor; Synthia Japhet, the secretary to the country director of FAO at the UN; and Caleb Egweonu, a cancer advocate and the brain behind the initiative, whose aunt died from Breast Cancer.
Previous SU2CN events were the bowling for boobs, an event which took place in Abuja. The event was supported by Nollywood professionals such as Ini Edo, and Uche Jombo, and Uti Nwachukwu of the Big Brother Africa fame, who joined hands to raise funds for breast cancer patients.
Statistics from the free breast cancer screening held in Abuja earlier in August, 2011, showed that about 20 percent of females in attendance had breast lumps.
The screening in Lagos is set to take place on October 29, 2011 at the Silverbird Galleria, Victoria Island, Lagos from 11am to 6pm.
SU2CN ambassadors such as singer/song writer EVAEZI; Nma Isiwu (Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria Tourism 2011), Stella Damasus, Oge Okoye, Nikki Laoye, Weird MC, Ufuoma Ejenobor and others will be participating in the event.
Members of the public are also urged to donate to combat breast cancer and provide regular screening centres around the country. Emails can be sent to standup2cancernaija@gmail.com for further enquiries.
Article | | By Nkechi Opurum
As part of its activities to create awareness during the month of October, which is breast cancer awareness month worldwide, Stand up to Cancer Naija (SU2CN), a non-profit advocacy group, will conduct free clinical breast exams for women of all ages in Lagos.
SU2CN is a movement reaching out to a world affected either directly or indirectly by breast cancer. The organisation preaches early detection and awareness as means of fighting the disease.
SU2CN is made up of young professionals in Nigeria. The executives include: Constant Asabia, a senior special adviser to the Ondo State Governor; Synthia Japhet, the secretary to the country director of FAO at the UN; and Caleb Egweonu, a cancer advocate and the brain behind the initiative, whose aunt died from Breast Cancer.
Previous SU2CN events were the bowling for boobs, an event which took place in Abuja. The event was supported by Nollywood professionals such as Ini Edo, and Uche Jombo, and Uti Nwachukwu of the Big Brother Africa fame, who joined hands to raise funds for breast cancer patients.
Statistics from the free breast cancer screening held in Abuja earlier in August, 2011, showed that about 20 percent of females in attendance had breast lumps.
The screening in Lagos is set to take place on October 29, 2011 at the Silverbird Galleria, Victoria Island, Lagos from 11am to 6pm.
SU2CN ambassadors such as singer/song writer EVAEZI; Nma Isiwu (Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria Tourism 2011), Stella Damasus, Oge Okoye, Nikki Laoye, Weird MC, Ufuoma Ejenobor and others will be participating in the event.
Members of the public are also urged to donate to combat breast cancer and provide regular screening centres around the country. Emails can be sent to standup2cancernaija@gmail.com for further enquiries.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Breast Cancer survivor walks to raise money for research
Bonnie Heater Assistant editor
“Somewhere in the world, a woman dies from breast cancer every 69 seconds,” said Marilyn Norris, a breast cancer survivor. The Casualty Assistance Team leader at Fort Gordon was the guest speaker at the Garden City Chapter of Federally Employed Women’s monthly program held Oct. 11 in the Signal Towers Fish Bowl Conference Room.
The Army veteran and mother of two was diagnosed with breast cancer 14 years ago.
“I went in for my regular mammogram as I did every year when I was a Soldier,” explained Norris. “I was told the results were abnormal and I was sent to University Hospital in Augusta for a follow up appointment and biopsy.”
“I felt normal,” recalls Norris. “I didn’t have any pain or other symptoms at the time.”
The former Youth Challenge Academy platoon leader underwent surgery and radiation treatments. Today, she considers herself an advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness. Her personal story appears with other breast cancer survivors in Marcie Curry’s book, “Be a Strong Blessing.”
The court appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children in Georgia, participates annually in the Susan G. Komen three-day 60 miles Breast Cancer Walk which is held throughout the United States.
“I committed myself to walk in Atlanta, Ga., and to raise a minimum of $2,300 to help fight breast cancer,” said Norris. I started my own team this year – ‘Strong Blessing.’ We walk because we must; we are strong because the journey demands it. Together in body and united in spirit, we lay down our footsteps for this.”
Norris, who is also the first vice president/secretary of Cher Best Sister’s Only Club, a local civic organization, has participated in the Relay for Life, Miracle Mile.
This event sponsored the local Survivor’s Night of Fashion where cancer survivors modeled in the program to raise funds for breast cancer research and cancer care.
“It’s important to me to raise money to help fund research for breast cancer because I am a survivor and I know the fight and everyone deserves a lifetime,” said Norris. “Together we can work to put an end to breast cancer.”
For more information or to make a donation to the Breast Cancer 3-day, contact Marilyn Norris at (706) 466-2233 or visit the website: http://www.the3day.org/.
The Army veteran and mother of two was diagnosed with breast cancer 14 years ago.
“I went in for my regular mammogram as I did every year when I was a Soldier,” explained Norris. “I was told the results were abnormal and I was sent to University Hospital in Augusta for a follow up appointment and biopsy.”
“I felt normal,” recalls Norris. “I didn’t have any pain or other symptoms at the time.”
The former Youth Challenge Academy platoon leader underwent surgery and radiation treatments. Today, she considers herself an advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness. Her personal story appears with other breast cancer survivors in Marcie Curry’s book, “Be a Strong Blessing.”
The court appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children in Georgia, participates annually in the Susan G. Komen three-day 60 miles Breast Cancer Walk which is held throughout the United States.
“I committed myself to walk in Atlanta, Ga., and to raise a minimum of $2,300 to help fight breast cancer,” said Norris. I started my own team this year – ‘Strong Blessing.’ We walk because we must; we are strong because the journey demands it. Together in body and united in spirit, we lay down our footsteps for this.”
Norris, who is also the first vice president/secretary of Cher Best Sister’s Only Club, a local civic organization, has participated in the Relay for Life, Miracle Mile.
This event sponsored the local Survivor’s Night of Fashion where cancer survivors modeled in the program to raise funds for breast cancer research and cancer care.
“It’s important to me to raise money to help fund research for breast cancer because I am a survivor and I know the fight and everyone deserves a lifetime,” said Norris. “Together we can work to put an end to breast cancer.”
For more information or to make a donation to the Breast Cancer 3-day, contact Marilyn Norris at (706) 466-2233 or visit the website: http://www.the3day.org/.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Breast cancer awareness: ANGELS to the rescue
CANTON — Real angels don’t wear halos. At least, not yet.
Real angels wear purple. They smile brilliantly and their love shines even brighter.
Real angels work to make their community a better place. They give time and effort to be sure that every woman has the support system she needs to find resources and courage to face her fears about breast cancer.
Real angels hold your hand, cry with you, hug you and laugh with you.
Mercy Medical Center has those kinds of angels — honest-to-goodness, real-life ANGELs.
Mercy’s ANGEL (African American women Nurturing and Giving Each other Life) Network, a group of black women committed to raising breast cancer awareness, is 75 volunteers strong and counting. Together, the women involved are changing the lives across the county by encouraging early detection through annual mammograms and monthly self examinations.
Diane Wofsey, nurse coordinator for the Mercy Breast Care Center, has seen how dramatically the ANGELs have impacted the county in the seven years since the network began.
“It used to be that I could count on one hand the number of African American women who came in for breast exams each month,” Wofsey said. “Now, I get more than 10 each week. That says a lot about these ladies here. That shows how much they care for each other and their community.”
The ANGEL Network mission is simple: Spread the word.
Volunteers with the ANGEL Network work through their churches, clubs, neighborhoods, community organizations, local breast cancer awareness events and health fairs to spread the word about the importance of early detection. That’s a critical message, especially for black women.
According to Wofsey, the breast cancer mortality rate for black women is higher than that of white women even though black women are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Black women, also, are more likely than white women to get breast cancer at younger ages.
Those reasons make annual mammograms and monthly self exams critical.
Nearly all of the women volunteering through ANGEL Network are not breast cancer survivors. Many of them have close friends and relatives who have battled cancer, but most of them volunteer because they want to help someone else.
They volunteer because they care.“You know what it is?” ANGEL Ravene Allison said of what drives the volunteers. “It’s love. If everybody would just love everybody, we wouldn’t have any problems.”
It’s true, ANGEL Jonnie Smith Jackson said.
“We just want to reach out,” Smith Jackson said. “We just want to help someone. If we can help one person, it’s worth it.”
Mercy’s ANGEL Network is as big as it is today because of three women.
Nearly a decade ago, Wofsey attended a conference in Washington D.C. and heard about the only chapter of the ANGEL Network, a program that was started in Colorado.
Inspired by what she heard, Wofsey returned home and began to work on securing the resources to implement the program through Mercy Medical Center.
Finally, after two years, she was ready to get things started and she, along with only two ANGELs, began the arduous task of raising breast cancer awareness and creating the support network.
Seven years and 73 ANGELs later, Mercy’s program is going strong and getting stronger. It’s exceeded Wofsey’s greatest expectations and it’s been able to do that because it’s about more than volunteering.
It’s about sisterhood.
“We white women, we have no idea what ‘sisterhood’ is,” Wofsey said with a grin. “I’ve walked through the airport with some of these ladies and they are hugging everyone. I think, ‘you can’t possibly know all of these people.’”
ANGEL Joanne McPherson wrapped an arm around Wofsey’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze.
“She’s a sista in training,” McPherson said with a laugh.
In all honesty, McPherson said, the women who volunteer through the ANGEL Network are able to do what they do because of Wofsey. The ANGELs may be driven by a passion for their community and love for their neighbors, but they are inspired by Wofsey’s own passion for the program.
“She really inspires us,” McPherson said. “She got us going and she keeps us going.”
Smith Jackson believes in the power of the ANGEL Network. The enthusiasm and passion of all the ladies who volunteer is contagious. You can’t help but find inspiration and friendship in this group.
They are, after all, just trying to make the world a better place.
“We’re just trying to earn our wings,” Smith Jackson said with a laugh.
For more information about Mercy’s ANGEL Network and its volunteer opportunities call Diane Wofsey at 330-580-4727.
Real angels wear purple. They smile brilliantly and their love shines even brighter.
Real angels work to make their community a better place. They give time and effort to be sure that every woman has the support system she needs to find resources and courage to face her fears about breast cancer.
Real angels hold your hand, cry with you, hug you and laugh with you.
Mercy Medical Center has those kinds of angels — honest-to-goodness, real-life ANGELs.
Mercy’s ANGEL (African American women Nurturing and Giving Each other Life) Network, a group of black women committed to raising breast cancer awareness, is 75 volunteers strong and counting. Together, the women involved are changing the lives across the county by encouraging early detection through annual mammograms and monthly self examinations.
Diane Wofsey, nurse coordinator for the Mercy Breast Care Center, has seen how dramatically the ANGELs have impacted the county in the seven years since the network began.
“It used to be that I could count on one hand the number of African American women who came in for breast exams each month,” Wofsey said. “Now, I get more than 10 each week. That says a lot about these ladies here. That shows how much they care for each other and their community.”
The ANGEL Network mission is simple: Spread the word.
Volunteers with the ANGEL Network work through their churches, clubs, neighborhoods, community organizations, local breast cancer awareness events and health fairs to spread the word about the importance of early detection. That’s a critical message, especially for black women.
According to Wofsey, the breast cancer mortality rate for black women is higher than that of white women even though black women are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Black women, also, are more likely than white women to get breast cancer at younger ages.
Those reasons make annual mammograms and monthly self exams critical.
Nearly all of the women volunteering through ANGEL Network are not breast cancer survivors. Many of them have close friends and relatives who have battled cancer, but most of them volunteer because they want to help someone else.
They volunteer because they care.“You know what it is?” ANGEL Ravene Allison said of what drives the volunteers. “It’s love. If everybody would just love everybody, we wouldn’t have any problems.”
It’s true, ANGEL Jonnie Smith Jackson said.
“We just want to reach out,” Smith Jackson said. “We just want to help someone. If we can help one person, it’s worth it.”
Mercy’s ANGEL Network is as big as it is today because of three women.
Nearly a decade ago, Wofsey attended a conference in Washington D.C. and heard about the only chapter of the ANGEL Network, a program that was started in Colorado.
Inspired by what she heard, Wofsey returned home and began to work on securing the resources to implement the program through Mercy Medical Center.
Finally, after two years, she was ready to get things started and she, along with only two ANGELs, began the arduous task of raising breast cancer awareness and creating the support network.
Seven years and 73 ANGELs later, Mercy’s program is going strong and getting stronger. It’s exceeded Wofsey’s greatest expectations and it’s been able to do that because it’s about more than volunteering.
It’s about sisterhood.
“We white women, we have no idea what ‘sisterhood’ is,” Wofsey said with a grin. “I’ve walked through the airport with some of these ladies and they are hugging everyone. I think, ‘you can’t possibly know all of these people.’”
ANGEL Joanne McPherson wrapped an arm around Wofsey’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze.
“She’s a sista in training,” McPherson said with a laugh.
In all honesty, McPherson said, the women who volunteer through the ANGEL Network are able to do what they do because of Wofsey. The ANGELs may be driven by a passion for their community and love for their neighbors, but they are inspired by Wofsey’s own passion for the program.
“She really inspires us,” McPherson said. “She got us going and she keeps us going.”
Smith Jackson believes in the power of the ANGEL Network. The enthusiasm and passion of all the ladies who volunteer is contagious. You can’t help but find inspiration and friendship in this group.
They are, after all, just trying to make the world a better place.
“We’re just trying to earn our wings,” Smith Jackson said with a laugh.
For more information about Mercy’s ANGEL Network and its volunteer opportunities call Diane Wofsey at 330-580-4727.
By Erin Pustay
Posted Oct 20, 2011 @ 07:00 AM
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Keith Urban Donates Custom Guitar for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By: Billy Dukes of "Taste of Country Blog"
Keith Urban will donate a customized Fender guitar to the Susan G. Komen for The Cure for auction in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The black guitar with pink ribbon adorning the body will be available to bidders at the end of the month, after Urban has played it at each of this month’s shows.
According to a press release on his website, Urban specially requested the guitar from Fender as a way to acknowledge October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
The ‘Long Hot Summer’ singer is just one of the country stars actively supporting this month’s cause. Last Friday, Jason Aldean raised $315,000 during a sold out show in Roanoke, Va. Martina McBride will flip a switch to turn the Empire State Building in New York City pink on Oct. 14, and will play Grand Ole Opry pink on Oct. 22 during a concert to honor breast cancer survivors.

According to a press release on his website, Urban specially requested the guitar from Fender as a way to acknowledge October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
The ‘Long Hot Summer’ singer is just one of the country stars actively supporting this month’s cause. Last Friday, Jason Aldean raised $315,000 during a sold out show in Roanoke, Va. Martina McBride will flip a switch to turn the Empire State Building in New York City pink on Oct. 14, and will play Grand Ole Opry pink on Oct. 22 during a concert to honor breast cancer survivors.
Hustle for Hope raises breast cancer awareness
by Lowell Vickers The Fish Wrap
Oct 09, 2011

Jordan Hubbard, 23, of Cedartown, was the first-place finisher among all male participants, winning the 5K with a time of 19 minutes, 50 seconds. He also was overall winner.
Liz Clark, 23, of Rockmart, was the first-place female runner with a time of 23 minutes, 5 seconds.
The event drew participants of all ages, who paid $25 (early registration) or $30 (late registrants) to take part.
Last year's event raised more than $10,000 after all T-shirt sales, race entry fees and related fund-raising efforts were tallied.
One of the organizers, Heather Ball, said last year's inauguaral event had 188 participants for the 5K. There were 245 runners confirmed Friday and several more late registrants Saturday before the race, so the event was well on track to surpass last year's fund-raising total, Ball said.
At 8:30 a.m., a ribbon was cut to open the race north up Main Street. Runners turned left in front of the courthouse to College Street, then headed north to Lakeside Drive through slower, quieter residential streets.
Runners came back out on North Main Street at the location of the former Enmark gas station (now closed. Runners then continued south back to the downtown area.
Cedartown Police blocked off streets as necessary and helped direct traffic during the race. Cedartown High School students in the Future Business Leaders of America club helped direct runners by standing at street corners with directional signs.
Most streets reopened to traffic after the race, but part of the downtown area remained blocked off until around 11 a.m.
Read more: The Fish Wrap - Hustle for Hope raises breast cancer awareness
Programs, science aid early detection of breast cancer
Written by
Anna Sudar
Advocate ReporterNEWARK -- The American Cancer Society estimates about 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer sometime during their lifetime.
But this startling fact is accompanied by another, more hopeful statistic: There are about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.The breast cancer mortality rate has been declining in recent years, said Dr. Joseph Fondriest, chairman of the department of radiology at Licking County Memorial Hospital. One of the main reasons for the change has been increased awareness of the disease.
Awareness leads more women to do self-examinations and get annual mammograms, which help doctors catch the disease in the beginning stages.
"Successful treatment depends on early detection," Fondriest said.
Fondriest spoke Tuesday at a meeting of the Newark Rotary Club about some of the newest technologies in detecting and treating the disease, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
"(At LMHS), we stay at the forefront with the technology for diagnosing breast cancer," he said.
One major change has been the shift from film mammography to digital mammography, Fondriest said.
Digital mammograms have a much higher resolution and show much clearer images of breast tissue, he said. Studies show digital mammograms have a higher cancer detection rate.
"(LMHS) has been completely digital for four years," Fondriest said.
Digital mammograms also allow physicians to do computer-aided detection, which uses computer software to read mammograms and highlight problem areas.
"European studies looking at computer-aided detection equate it to having a second radiologist review each mammogram," Fondriest said.
If an abnormality is found in the breast tissue, doctors must determine if it is cancerous.
"The majority of things found are not breast cancer; about 60 to 90 percent of lesions are benign," he said. "It's important to be able to biopsy lesions in minimally invasive way."
In the past, biopsies required surgery, but now physicians can use a three-stage needle to get a tissue sample or remove the lesion, Fondriest said.
"There is no scar, a minimal risk of infection, it takes virtually minutes to perform and the patient can resume regular activities," he said.
If the lesion is determined to be cancer, it is important for doctors to see if the cancer has spread beyond the breast.

"Although we can't prevent cancer, we're making advances to help detect and diagnose breast cancer earlier and also minimize patient discomfort," he said.
Fondriest said he tells women to have their first mammogram at 35 and start having them annually at age 40.
This is also recommended by the American Cancer Society and the Mayo Clinic, he added.
"It has been discussed it can be delayed until after they hit 50, but that goes against what a lot of medical professionals say," he said.
He encouraged men and women to spread the word that early detection saves lives.
"Everyone has to be aware that breast cancer is out there and to see their physicians and openly discuss the risk," he said.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Fiji joins world to launch breast cancer awareness month

"Join the fight against breast cancer through early detection and awareness." This is the message the Fiji Cancer Society is sending out this October, which is breast cancer awareness month, worldwide.
Fiji Cancer Society Chairperson and breast cancer awareness month President Nirmala Nambiar said, "Fiji continues to have a high incidence of breast cancer deaths with large number of tumors presented to health professionals at a late stage due to the stigma of having the disease."
In the first quarter of 2011, there were 46 new breast cancer cases recorded, whilst there were 33 new cases in the same period last year.
"The figures could be scary but one must understand that as the awareness increases in our communities the number of cases recorded increases," she warned.
Men and women should be aware that age, obesity and family history are all factors that contribute to the risk of developing the disease.
This October the Fiji Cancer Society has planned a number of events all targeted to raise awareness since the lack of information and education is dangerous.
Nambiar said through partnership with the Ministry of Health, Oxfam Clinic in Suva and the Fiji Nurses Association, supported by the sponsorship of Colgate Palmolive, the focus this year is on reaching out to the rural community and making a difference to the lives of the poor and unprivileged.
"We have free checkups planned for the month at the major villages from Vunidawa, Korovou and Valelevu to Lami at the other end and hope that we will be able to support the women in this area who may not be able to have a check- up otherwise.
According to the official, the society's western branch continues to arrange free check- ups with the support of the Patan Clinic.
The awareness and free checkups have also been arranged for corporate organizations at their request and if we are not able to provide all this during October we will continue to schedule them for the following month.
The Society's thanks go to Suva Private Hospital for offering half price mammograms for the month of October, Nambiar said, adding a common issue with Fiji women, according to doctors at the hospital, was the return rate.
"Once they hear the news that they have cancer, many women don' t return because of the fear of what's next. Hence the Society is working with the hospitals and helping counsel patients to get them back for treatment rather than fight the losing battle, since 70 percent of cancer cases can be saved through early detection and treatment," she said.
The Fiji Cancer Society strongly believes that the success of the awareness program this month will set the platform for the society's ongoing initiative to drive and raise the community's understanding, get them involved and make them take care of each other.
Editor: Deng Shasha |
Style On The Runway to Help Spread Breast Cancer Awareness Through Fashion

It is fashionable to contribute to a cause that will help others. That is what will happen at the first annual benefit hair and fashion show called Style on the Runway.
The event, will take place on Sunday (Oct. 2) from 1 to 5 p.m. at Loews Annapolis Hotel, 126 West St., Annapolis.
The mission of the event is to raise funds to benefit those in the Greater Annapolis area who are battling or have battled breast cancer.
Style on the Runway will include models who are breast cancer survivors showcasing unique fashions by local Annapolis boutiques.
David Alexander Salon and Spa of Annapolis will provide hair styling and make-up.
In addition to the fashion show, there will also be a live auction, door prizes, vendors, music and entertainment and more.
About the Hosts
Stepping Out for Breast Cancer is dedicated to improving the quality of life for breast cancer survivors through the provision of equipment or services that aid in the mental and physical recovery from cancer.
It is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization founded in 1993 by a group of Annapolis women to raise funds to support breast cancer survivors in the community served by the Anne Arundel Medical and Baltimore Washington Medical Centers.
Stepping Out for Breast Cancer works to improve the lives of women diagnosed with breast cancer regardless of age, social or economic status.
David Alexander Salon and Spa has served Greater Annapolis for more than 15 years. It has grown to become one of the largest area salons with nearly 20 stylists and a relaxing 3,000 square-foot day spa.
David Alexander Salon and Spa has a long tradition of supporting local charities and organizations. In the past 5 years, it has hosted a Day of Beauty with the Bay Area Community Church for battered women as well as donated services for hundreds of local charitable fund raising events.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.styleontherunway.com
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Events planned for breast cancer awareness month
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s a list of events in South Florida commemorating the month.
The Miami-Dade County Health Department in conjunction with Ambulatory Diagnostic Center will offer free screening mammograms, 8 a.m.-12p.m., Oct 1, 747 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 100, Miami
The Miami-Dade County Health Department will host a kick-off event for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 10-11 a.m., Oct 3, 10, 8600 NW 17th St., Suite 200, Miami.
Think Pink Teen Craft Program with artist Susan Buzzi, 4-5.30 p.m., Oct 4, Broward County Main Library, 100 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale.
The Strut your Stuff for Cancer event will have wellness presentations, live entertainment and a cocktail hour, 6-9 p.m., Oct 6, The Falls, 8888 SW 136th St., Miami.
VIPink Miami, cocktails and music, 7-10 p.m., Oct 6, South Beach House 4385, Collins Ave, 8th Fl, Miami Beach.
A motorcycle ride will start from Palm Beach to the Wylder’s Waterfront Grille in Jupiter, followed by an after-party, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Oct. 8, 2955 45th St., West Palm Beach. Proceeds will got to Think Pink Rocks (breast cancer research).
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk/Put on Your Pink Bra, a noncompetitive walk by the American Cancer Society, 7.30 a.m., Oct 9, Huizenga Plaza, Andrews Avenue and Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale.
Healthy Living Discussion to discuss breast cancer prevention, treatment and scientific breakthroughs, 2 p.m., Oct. 11, Delray Beach Public Library, 100 W. Atlantic Ave.
Cups, a comedy that traces milestones in a woman’s life through the bras she has worn, 8 p.m. weeknights, Sat.; 2 p.m Oct. 12-27, Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St.
Glam Doll Strut, stiletto walkathon will raise money for local breast cancer patients and their families, noon-3 p.m., Oct. 15 at Himmarshee Historic District, Second Street in Fort Lauderdale.
The 16th annual Susan G. Komen Miami/Fort Lauderdale Race for the Cure, including a 5K walk and run, one-mile fun walk and tot run, 6 am, Oct 15, Bayfront Park, downtown Miami.
Stay in the Pink Breast Cancer Event, in conjunction with Pink Power Network. Includes meet-greet with surgeons and radiologists, pink hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, pink manis and pedis. Mammograms available for $99, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Oct. 20, University Hospital & Medical Center, 7201 N. University Dr., Tamarac.
Shopping soiree/silent auction, including mini-makeovers, manicures, mocktails and perfume samplings, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Oct 22, Westfield Broward Mall, 8000 W. Broward Blvd.
Florida Breast Cancer Foundation’s 6th annual Shades of Pink Masquerade Ball, 7 p.m. -11 p.m., Oct 25, Trump International Beach Resort, Sunny Isles Beach.
Wear Pink to Zoo Miami, 12400 SW 152nd St., Miami all month long. New partnership with Susan G. Komen for the Cure inaugural event. Pink Day events in October include 15 percent off annual pass for visitors who wear pink.
Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/30/2432966/list-of-local-events-for-breast.html#ixzz1ZXXxT7Xt
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s a list of events in South Florida commemorating the month.
The Miami-Dade County Health Department in conjunction with Ambulatory Diagnostic Center will offer free screening mammograms, 8 a.m.-12p.m., Oct 1, 747 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 100, Miami
The Miami-Dade County Health Department will host a kick-off event for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 10-11 a.m., Oct 3, 10, 8600 NW 17th St., Suite 200, Miami.
Think Pink Teen Craft Program with artist Susan Buzzi, 4-5.30 p.m., Oct 4, Broward County Main Library, 100 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale.
The Strut your Stuff for Cancer event will have wellness presentations, live entertainment and a cocktail hour, 6-9 p.m., Oct 6, The Falls, 8888 SW 136th St., Miami.
VIPink Miami, cocktails and music, 7-10 p.m., Oct 6, South Beach House 4385, Collins Ave, 8th Fl, Miami Beach.
A motorcycle ride will start from Palm Beach to the Wylder’s Waterfront Grille in Jupiter, followed by an after-party, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Oct. 8, 2955 45th St., West Palm Beach. Proceeds will got to Think Pink Rocks (breast cancer research).
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk/Put on Your Pink Bra, a noncompetitive walk by the American Cancer Society, 7.30 a.m., Oct 9, Huizenga Plaza, Andrews Avenue and Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale.
Healthy Living Discussion to discuss breast cancer prevention, treatment and scientific breakthroughs, 2 p.m., Oct. 11, Delray Beach Public Library, 100 W. Atlantic Ave.
Cups, a comedy that traces milestones in a woman’s life through the bras she has worn, 8 p.m. weeknights, Sat.; 2 p.m Oct. 12-27, Aventura Arts & Cultural Center, 3385 NE 188th St.
Glam Doll Strut, stiletto walkathon will raise money for local breast cancer patients and their families, noon-3 p.m., Oct. 15 at Himmarshee Historic District, Second Street in Fort Lauderdale.
The 16th annual Susan G. Komen Miami/Fort Lauderdale Race for the Cure, including a 5K walk and run, one-mile fun walk and tot run, 6 am, Oct 15, Bayfront Park, downtown Miami.
Stay in the Pink Breast Cancer Event, in conjunction with Pink Power Network. Includes meet-greet with surgeons and radiologists, pink hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, pink manis and pedis. Mammograms available for $99, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Oct. 20, University Hospital & Medical Center, 7201 N. University Dr., Tamarac.
Shopping soiree/silent auction, including mini-makeovers, manicures, mocktails and perfume samplings, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Oct 22, Westfield Broward Mall, 8000 W. Broward Blvd.
Florida Breast Cancer Foundation’s 6th annual Shades of Pink Masquerade Ball, 7 p.m. -11 p.m., Oct 25, Trump International Beach Resort, Sunny Isles Beach.
Wear Pink to Zoo Miami, 12400 SW 152nd St., Miami all month long. New partnership with Susan G. Komen for the Cure inaugural event. Pink Day events in October include 15 percent off annual pass for visitors who wear pink.
Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/30/2432966/list-of-local-events-for-breast.html#ixzz1ZXXxT7Xt
Friday, September 30, 2011
Lancome Presents the Second Annual Genes Day October 21st, 2011
press release
Sept. 30, 2011, 7:35 a.m. EDT
Lancome Presents the Second Annual Genes Day October 21st, 2011
Lancome celebrates the beauty of giving through a partnership with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital®

NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- On October 21st, 2011, Lancome invites customers to experience the "Beauty of Giving" by celebrating Genes Day, a one-day national event Lancome began in 2010 to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, one of the world's premier centers for the research and treatment of pediatric cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. On this day, Lancome will donate $7 from the sale of every bottle of Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate to St. Jude. (This is in addition to special promotions and events nationwide surrounding Genes Day throughout the month of October.)
To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please click: http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52300-lancome-genes-day-2011-st-jude-julia-roberts-genifique-beauty-of-giving
"The partnership between Lancome and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is a true celebration of the beauty of giving," says Lancome ambassadress Julia Roberts. "I'm honored to be part of the Lancome family as it supports St. Jude's mission of helping children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases."
Lancome, the world's largest luxury beauty brand, pledges to double last year's donation and raise $300,000 to support the lifesaving research and treatment done at St. Jude.
"We're proud to join forces with St. Jude for a second year in a row," says Serge Jureidini, president of Lancome USA. "St. Jude is an organization that shares Lancome's commitment to groundbreaking research and we're committed to supporting the cause for years to come." Jureidini adds that in this second year, it's even more clear that Lancome and St. Jude share many of the same core values, namely their focus on research-led initiatives. "Our partnership," says Jureidini, "only grows stronger."
"Lancome is a partner that, like us, understands the importance and value of research," says Richard C. Shadyac Jr., CEO of ALSAC, the fundraising organization of St. Jude. "Our founder Danny Thomas believed that no child should die in the dawn of life, and the funds raised by Genes Day and other Lancome programs throughout October helps enable us to continue the groundbreaking research that leads to cures for children in communities everywhere."
About St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is internationally recognized for its pioneering work in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. St. Jude is the first and only pediatric cancer center to be designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute. Founded by late entertainer Danny Thomas and based in Memphis, Tenn., St. Jude freely shares its discoveries with scientific and medical communities around the world. St. Jude is the only pediatric cancer research center where families never pay for treatment not covered by insurance. No child is ever denied treatment because of the family's inability to pay. St. Jude is financially supported by ALSAC, its fundraising organization. For more information, go to www.stjude.org and follow St. Jude on www.facebook.com/stjude and www.twitter.com/stjude .
About Lancome and Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate
Lancome, founded in Paris in 1935, is the world's largest luxury beauty brand. Its award-winning skincare, makeup and fragrances are sold at 2,000 counters across the U.S. Just as science and research are the cornerstones for St. Jude, they are the driving force behind Lancome skin care. Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate, introduced in 2009, is a shining example of this single-minded focus. The award-winning and best-selling product is the result of 10 years of research and the recipient of seven international patents. It also marks the brand's entry into the area of genes technology as it relates to skin. After extensive clinical testing, Lancome confirmed that in just seven days the Genifique formula enhances the youthful quality of skin and improves skin tone, texture and luminosity. After two months of regular use, Genifique stimulates the production of proteins associated with young skin--this is Lancome research and innovation at its best.
A truly innovative formula, Genifique was the first skincare product to enter the genes territory. And the results speak for themselves: visibly improved tone, texture and luminosity within just seven days. The unique, sleek packaging with the dropper system only adds to its appeal. Fans include "Mad Men" actress Christina Hendricks, Lancome ambassador Julia Roberts, British songbird Lily Allen, supermodel Veronica Webb and star makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury.
About the Lancome and St. Jude partnership
Through scientific and consumer research, Lancome continues to innovate through new concepts in beauty and knows that a woman's beauty goes beyond appearances. As Lancome's national charity partner since 2010, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is internationally recognized for its pioneering work in finding cures and saving children. Through its focus on research, St. Jude has raised the overall survival rates for childhood cancers from 20 percent in 1962 when the hospital opened to 80 percent today. Lancome respects St. Jude's passion for research and their focus on finding cures, saving children and making a difference for families. This is why they believe so strongly in the beauty of giving. For more information, go to www.stjude.org .
Genes Day: Celebrating the Beauty of Scientific Research
The suggested retail prices for Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate are $58 for 0.67 ounce; $78 for 1 ounce; $98 for 1.7 ounces; $125 for 2.5 ounces. Those new to Genifique are welcome to stop by the counter during the month of October for a deluxe seven-day sample of the product. On Genes Day, October 21st, a $7 donation will be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for every concentrate sold at a Lancome counter in the United States or at lancome-usa.com.
Join the conversation at facebook.com/lancome.
SOURCE Lancome
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Yoplait(R) Original Launches "Yoplait Loves New York Women" Campaign with Quintessential Style Icon and Fashion Designer Betsey Johnson
Yoplait Aims to Give Away 50,000 Free Cups of Yogurt to Salute to the Style and Substance of New York Women
MINNEAPOLIS, Sep 29, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Yoplait loves New York women, and today announces a new campaign aimed at celebrating the inherent style and substance of New York. Throughout the campaign this fall, Yoplait(R) Original yogurt will be woven into the unique culture of New York by partnering with fashion designer and icon, Betsey Johnson. Through its involvement in Betsey Johnson's breast cancer awareness kickoff event on October 1 and the launch of sampling efforts throughout the city, Yoplait will celebrate and reward New York women by giving out an estimated 50,000 free cups of Yoplait Original yogurt, and reveal that with 25 fabulous flavors and 50 percent Daily Value of calcium and vitamin D in every cup, Yoplait Original is truly where style meets substance."I am so excited to team up with Yoplait to celebrate the undeniable style of New York women," said Johnson. "They are my girlfriends that inspire my work each day, so I'm thrilled to be a part of a campaign that acknowledges and rewards the extraordinary ladies of NYC."
Yoplait Original recently took part in the Fashion's Night Out celebration at Betsey Johnson's SoHo boutique. Next up, Yoplait will be back to kick-off Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Betsey Johnson at her in-store event on October 1st. Commitment to women's health and the breast cancer cause is an integral part of Yoplait's DNA: during the past 13 years, Yoplait has donated more than $30 million to the breast cancer cause through Save Lids to Save Lives(R) and related donation initiatives. This year Yoplait will donate ten cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure(R) for each pink lid redeemed online at Yoplait.com and via mail by December 31, 2011, up to $2 million.
Yoplait Original has also recruited New York fashion students to serve as Yoplait New York "Style and Substance Samplers." On the morning of October 4, these young women will seek out New Yorkers who they feel embody style and substance and reward them with a cup of Yoplait Original yogurt. Yoplait Samplers can also be found from 7am-10am, and 4pm-7pm in the following locations:
-- October 4: Broadway at Fulton St., W. Houston St., W. Broadway at Broome St.
-- October 5: Columbus Circle, Penn Station, Grand Central Terminal
-- October 11: Grand Central Terminal, Union Square East at 4th Ave., Greeley Square
-- October 12: Lexington Ave/59 St., Lexington Ave/53 St., Penn Station
"At Yoplait, we realize that a New York woman is a special kind of woman. She embodies strength and style in all that she does," said Seth Pederson, integrated marketing communications manager at General Mills. "With this campaign we salute New York women and hope to make their lives just a bit easier with a cup of Yoplait Original, an easy and delicious way to get the 50 percent of the calcium and vitamin D they need each day."
About Yoplait OSY
All of Yoplait Original's 25 flavors have the same great taste expected from Yoplait, now with more calcium and vitamin D. Yoplait Original now has 50% Daily Value of both calcium and vitamin D in every cup. Calcium is the key component of both bones and teeth, helping to form and maintain their strong structure and Vitamin D is a nutrient that the body needs to absorb calcium. For more information on Yoplait Original, visit www.facebook.com/yoplait and www.yoplait.com . Also join Yoplait on Foursquare by visiting https://foursquare.com/yoplaityogurt .
About General Mills
One of the world's leading food companies, General Mills operates in more than 100 countries and markets more than 100 consumer brands, including Cheerios, Haagen-Dazs, Nature Valley, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Old El Paso, Progresso, Yoplait, Cascadian Farm, Muir Glen, and more. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, General Mills had fiscal 2010 global net sales of US$16 billion, including the company's $1.2 billion proportionate share of joint venture net sales.
About Betsey Johnson
New York designer Betsey Johnson started her label in 1978. Her commitment to remain true to her one-of-a-kind vision has afforded continued success in the clothing fashion industry for 30 years. Starting in 2004, the Betsey Johnson label expanded as a lifestyle brand with the introduction of intimates, handbags and leather goods, footwear, watches, jewelry, eyewear, swimwear, legwear, outerwear and a fragrance. Today there are over sixty-five Betsey Johnson stores worldwide as well as an established wholesale business in international markets. For store locations or product information, please visit www.betseyjohnson.com .
SOURCE: General Mills
Brookside Foods "Giving Back with Chocolate" Charity Tour Launches in NYC
Company's Coast to Coast Tour Recognizes, Rewards Individuals and Organizations Who Give Back to Communities
NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Brookside Foods ( www.brooksidefoods.com ), a unique chocolate company, today launched the "Giving Back with Chocolate" U.S. coast-to-coast tour. From October 1 through November 6, Brookside's team of traveling Super Agents will recognize and reward unsung, hard-working volunteers and organizations that serve others by giving them the gift of chocolate...and much, much more. Throughout the tour, Brookside Super Agents will also surprise consumers who volunteer their time with random acts of kindness - be it picking up their tab for groceries or gas, or stopping by a deserving local charity to make a donation. The tour begins in New York City on Saturday, October 1, 2011 and makes its way across the country with stops in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore, San Diego and Los Angeles, as well as additional stops in markets along the way.
"With our 'Giving Back with Chocolate' tour, we are truly on a mission to create a nationwide movement, bestowing rewards to those who deserve it the most, whether it is helping out in their community at large or donating time to a charity," said Deborah Shork, Director of Marketing, Brookside Foods, Ltd. "A key part of America's ethos is the dedication to philanthropic causes, and Brookside wants to take a moment and really treat those individuals."
Throughout the journey, Brookside will be offering samples of their Dark Chocolate Super Fruits product line - real fruit juice pieces dipped in pure dark chocolate, a natural source of flavanol antioxidants. Included will be Dark Chocolate Acai with Blueberry, Dark Chocolate Pomegranate, and new Dark Chocolate Goji with Raspberry.
Beginning October 1st, consumers can go to www.brooksidefoods.com and enter the "Giving Back with Chocolate" sweepstakes for the chance to win $15,000 to be donated to the charity of their choice, or to keep as a reward for themselves. They can also share the gift of chocolate with others through the "Giving Back with Chocolate" Facebook application and spark conversation about charity with other consumers who give back through the Vyou.com/GivingBackWithChocolate microsite.
About Brookside Foods
Brookside Foods is a unique chocolate company dedicated to bringing enjoyment to peoples' lives through their mouth-watering combinations of Super Fruits or wholesome nuts drenched in pure milk or dark chocolate...you'll love them at first bite and every bite after. For more information about Brookside, the "Giving Back with Chocolate" tour, or for the sweepstakes rules, please visit www.brooksidefoods.com .
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Facebook Reportedly Giving Small Business $10M in Free Ads
Facebook and Google to continue competition for small business ad dollars
As businesses anxiously await the launch of business profiles on Google+, Facebook is reminding small businesses of the power of its social media dominance (it’s up to 800 million users now).
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Facebook has teamed up with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Federation of Independent Business to launch a program that includes giving away $10 million in advertising credits to small businesses. The publication reports:
The new program will officially kick off next month with a cross-country road show in coordination with state and local chambers of commerce and regional NFIB offices. At locations still to be determined, Facebook officials and members of the two business groups will meet with local businesses to discuss best practices for marketing to customers through Facebook.
Then in January, Facebook will begin giving away $50 per business in free advertising credits to as many as 200,000 small businesses. Such companies will be able to redeem the discount on a first-come, first-served basis when purchasing ads on the social-networking site, which can be targeted to specific users as a business sees fit.“When you look at small businesses, there are probably fourteen to fifteen million active small businesses in the country, and we think over nine million of those are using Facebook to connect directly to consumers,” she said.
“One thing that makes Facebook easier for small businesses to use, is we’re not asking them to use a new product,” she added. “Most people who are attached to the web actually have a Facebook profile, and if you look at a page, which is what they tend to use to market their small business, it works pretty much the same way. So if you’re on Facebook and you’re posting something to your friends….they might post, ‘hey, we’re having a sale today.’”
Google, on the other hand, is asking people to use a new product. Recent estimates indicate that Google+ is up to around 43.4 million users so far. Last week, they announced a bunch of new features and opened it up to the public (as opposed to invite-only).
Google+ has a long, long way to go to achieve Facebook-like user numbers, but the fact that it’s tied (and will be tied even more) to other Google products businesses are already using is a key factor
As businesses anxiously await the launch of business profiles on Google+, Facebook is reminding small businesses of the power of its social media dominance (it’s up to 800 million users now).
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Facebook has teamed up with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Federation of Independent Business to launch a program that includes giving away $10 million in advertising credits to small businesses. The publication reports:
The new program will officially kick off next month with a cross-country road show in coordination with state and local chambers of commerce and regional NFIB offices. At locations still to be determined, Facebook officials and members of the two business groups will meet with local businesses to discuss best practices for marketing to customers through Facebook.
Then in January, Facebook will begin giving away $50 per business in free advertising credits to as many as 200,000 small businesses. Such companies will be able to redeem the discount on a first-come, first-served basis when purchasing ads on the social-networking site, which can be targeted to specific users as a business sees fit.“When you look at small businesses, there are probably fourteen to fifteen million active small businesses in the country, and we think over nine million of those are using Facebook to connect directly to consumers,” she said.
“One thing that makes Facebook easier for small businesses to use, is we’re not asking them to use a new product,” she added. “Most people who are attached to the web actually have a Facebook profile, and if you look at a page, which is what they tend to use to market their small business, it works pretty much the same way. So if you’re on Facebook and you’re posting something to your friends….they might post, ‘hey, we’re having a sale today.’”
Google, on the other hand, is asking people to use a new product. Recent estimates indicate that Google+ is up to around 43.4 million users so far. Last week, they announced a bunch of new features and opened it up to the public (as opposed to invite-only).
Google+ has a long, long way to go to achieve Facebook-like user numbers, but the fact that it’s tied (and will be tied even more) to other Google products businesses are already using is a key factor
Chris Crum | September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Widow of New York officer killed on 9-11 gives badge to Mansfield officers
Ten years ago, a group of Mansfield police officers and firefighters drove to New York in the wake of 9-11.
Their assignment: Help out however possible and deliver donations from the people of Mansfield.
For two of those police officers, that trip was the start of a remarkable, unexpected journey, culminating last week with the wife of a fallen New York City police officer giving the men a humbling gift: one of her husband's badges.
Cmdr. Kyle Lanier and officer Thad Penkala were among four officers who went to New York.
"We were sent there to work and donate money," Lanier said.
In a city reeling from an unprecedented assault and still recovering the bodies of victims, the officers mostly helped man security posts around the five boroughs.
They were also ordered by their superiors to donate $10,000 that had been raised from the community in a matter of days.
"They had kids throwing in their lunch money into this jug," Penkala said.
After a shift one day, the officers found themselves at a police precinct where a shrine had been put up for Sgt. Tim Roy of Massapequa Park, who had a wife and three kids.
Roy, they soon learned, had been on his way to traffic court when he heard about the attack. He was reportedly last seen helping a burn victim from one of the buildings.
The officers from Mansfield donated to the New York City Police Foundation, which assists departments with equipment and other needs. In the memo section of the check, they wrote that the donation was in Roy's memory.
Fateful journey
A decade later, Lanier and Penkala traveled back to Manhattan for the anniversary. They learned that the memorial at ground zero that day was reserved largely for families of victims, so they spent the morning meeting with other police officers and walking around downtown.
After taking some photos of a special memorial for fallen firefighters on the wall of a firehouse, Lanier saw a young boy standing nearby. He was dressed like a New York City police officer, lacking only a gun.
Lanier noticed the name on the badge: "Roy."
Lanier asked the boy whether his dad's name was Tim.
The boy said it was.
Lanier couldn't resist telling him the story of the donation from Mansfield.
A friend of the Roy family standing nearby overheard the conversation and asked Lanier, by then joined by Penkala, to start from the beginning. Pretty soon, Roy's wife, Stacy, and daughters were there.
Then members of New York's finest who happened to be nearby stepped closer. Lanier and Penkala were now retelling the story to a small crowd.
As they heard about the donation and why Lanier and Penkala wrote in Tim Roy's name on the check, relatives and friends cried.
'You guys are family'
Soon, that friend of the Roy family asked whether they had seen the new memorial. Lanier and Penkala said they hadn't because they weren't family to any of the victims.
"Well, you guys are family. Come on," the friend told them, Lanier said.
The new collection of mourners made the emotional walk to the memorial, all of them connected to Tim Roy -- by blood, friendship or the gift made in admiration of Roy's courage.
They walked along the enormous reflecting pools and the thousands of names displayed around the edges. They stopped and saw where Roy's name was carved in bronze.
While Lanier and Penkala were taking it all in, Stacy Roy told them she had hoped to come to downtown Manhattan that day and give her husband's badge to someone special. Lanier was told the badge was one of just a handful.
One had been buried with Tim Roy. Another was on his 13-year-old son's chest that day.
She handed the badge to Lanier.
"I stood there, and I couldn't say a word. I didn't know what to say," Lanier said.
He and Penkala accepted the gift, profoundly moved and aware that they had forged a lifelong bond with the family.
'It belongs to everyone'
Back in Mansfield, the two are working to find a way to display the badge and Roy's story in a place accessible to the public.
"The badge, the way I see it, doesn't belong to Kyle and myself," Penkala said.
"It belongs to everyone, especially the kids that threw their lunch money in a jug and didn't know where the money was going and didn't care. They just wanted to help."
Read more: http://www.star-telegram.com/2011/09/15/3371934/widow-of-new-york-officer-killed.html#ixzz1Y5dvX5xx
Their assignment: Help out however possible and deliver donations from the people of Mansfield.
For two of those police officers, that trip was the start of a remarkable, unexpected journey, culminating last week with the wife of a fallen New York City police officer giving the men a humbling gift: one of her husband's badges.
Cmdr. Kyle Lanier and officer Thad Penkala were among four officers who went to New York.
"We were sent there to work and donate money," Lanier said.
In a city reeling from an unprecedented assault and still recovering the bodies of victims, the officers mostly helped man security posts around the five boroughs.
They were also ordered by their superiors to donate $10,000 that had been raised from the community in a matter of days.
"They had kids throwing in their lunch money into this jug," Penkala said.
After a shift one day, the officers found themselves at a police precinct where a shrine had been put up for Sgt. Tim Roy of Massapequa Park, who had a wife and three kids.
Roy, they soon learned, had been on his way to traffic court when he heard about the attack. He was reportedly last seen helping a burn victim from one of the buildings.
The officers from Mansfield donated to the New York City Police Foundation, which assists departments with equipment and other needs. In the memo section of the check, they wrote that the donation was in Roy's memory.
Fateful journey
A decade later, Lanier and Penkala traveled back to Manhattan for the anniversary. They learned that the memorial at ground zero that day was reserved largely for families of victims, so they spent the morning meeting with other police officers and walking around downtown.
After taking some photos of a special memorial for fallen firefighters on the wall of a firehouse, Lanier saw a young boy standing nearby. He was dressed like a New York City police officer, lacking only a gun.
Lanier noticed the name on the badge: "Roy."
Lanier asked the boy whether his dad's name was Tim.
The boy said it was.
Lanier couldn't resist telling him the story of the donation from Mansfield.
A friend of the Roy family standing nearby overheard the conversation and asked Lanier, by then joined by Penkala, to start from the beginning. Pretty soon, Roy's wife, Stacy, and daughters were there.
Then members of New York's finest who happened to be nearby stepped closer. Lanier and Penkala were now retelling the story to a small crowd.
As they heard about the donation and why Lanier and Penkala wrote in Tim Roy's name on the check, relatives and friends cried.
'You guys are family'
Soon, that friend of the Roy family asked whether they had seen the new memorial. Lanier and Penkala said they hadn't because they weren't family to any of the victims.
"Well, you guys are family. Come on," the friend told them, Lanier said.
The new collection of mourners made the emotional walk to the memorial, all of them connected to Tim Roy -- by blood, friendship or the gift made in admiration of Roy's courage.
They walked along the enormous reflecting pools and the thousands of names displayed around the edges. They stopped and saw where Roy's name was carved in bronze.
While Lanier and Penkala were taking it all in, Stacy Roy told them she had hoped to come to downtown Manhattan that day and give her husband's badge to someone special. Lanier was told the badge was one of just a handful.
One had been buried with Tim Roy. Another was on his 13-year-old son's chest that day.
She handed the badge to Lanier.
"I stood there, and I couldn't say a word. I didn't know what to say," Lanier said.
He and Penkala accepted the gift, profoundly moved and aware that they had forged a lifelong bond with the family.
'It belongs to everyone'
Back in Mansfield, the two are working to find a way to display the badge and Roy's story in a place accessible to the public.
"The badge, the way I see it, doesn't belong to Kyle and myself," Penkala said.
"It belongs to everyone, especially the kids that threw their lunch money in a jug and didn't know where the money was going and didn't care. They just wanted to help."
Read more: http://www.star-telegram.com/2011/09/15/3371934/widow-of-new-york-officer-killed.html#ixzz1Y5dvX5xx
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Name that Acarebox

Contest, contest, contest these 3 boxes above made while being stuck in the house during Hurricane #Irene!! I need name ideas! Post your ideas and get your friends to like it the person with the most likes will win a customized Spa Acarebox. Let the games begin!! Contest ends 9/12/2011
Also visit us on twitter @acareboxcom
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
This Three Weekend Event Comes to a Close with GoGo squeeZ Donation to City Harvest
SOURCE GoGo squeeZ
GoGo squeeZ, the fun applesauce with an active attitude, is on a mission to help kids squeeze a bit of GoGo Time—simply good, active fun—into each and every day. As part of that mission, GoGo squeeZ teamed up with the New York City Department of Transportation for the fourth annual Summer Streets event, held on Manhattan's Park Avenue, which is completely closed to vehicles and wide open for family fun. For the past two Saturdays, New York families have been turning up at the GoGo squeeZ Free Play Zone in Foley Square (the event's starting location near Worth, Centre and Lafayette Streets in downtown Manhattan) between 7:00 am and 1:00 pm to get their share of GoGo Time, while taking part in family-friendly activities and eco-friendly crafts.
Now, GoGo squeeZ is giving back to the New York community by donating 2,000 snack pouches to City Harvest, a leader in food collection and donation to New York's hungry. And to celebrate the final weekend of Summer Streets, GoGo squeeZ has pledged to donate an additional snack pouch for every Four Square check-in at their Free Play Zone this Saturday, August 20.
GoGo squeeZ is the first squeezable, re-sealable, all natural, 100% fruit applesauce snack for kids in the U.S. Packaged in convenient pouches with a built-in straw, GoGo squeeZ is gluten free, dairy free, and made with no refined sugar. All five delicious flavors are Kosher-certified and provide 3/4 serving of fruit. Available in flavors including AppleApple, AppleBanana, ApplePeach, AppleStrawberry and AppleCinnamon, GoGo squeeZ may be found at major retailers nationwide for a suggested retail price of $2.99 per four-pack.
This summer the GoGo squeeZ team is bringing their fun and active snack solution to families on the go. The brand's Free Play Zone at Summer Streets delivers imaginative play to New York City along with its wholesome, no spoon=no mess snack. GoGo squeeZ's Free Play Zone hosts organized games and activities, the Family Flipbook project, and the squeeZ More out of Life conversation wall, through which each participant will become an official member of the GoGo Gang, and help bring GoGo Time to others.
By joining the GoGo Gang online (http://www.gogogang.com/) or by attending Summer Streets, members will support a nationwide brigade of parents and kids that are dedicated to getting a daily dose of GoGo Time. When the GoGo Gang is 100,000 members strong, GoGo squeeZ will team up with national play partner Action for Healthy Kids (http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/) to renovate a playspace in an under-served community, making it easy and fun for children in the area to get their GoGo Time.
Additionally, families who visit the Free Play Zone will have the chance to turn excess pre-consumer GoGo squeeZ packaging into new items like a change purse or decorative bow through GoGo squeeZ's partnership with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle®, Inc, which launched earlier this year.
By visiting the Free Play Zone this Saturday, families will not only enjoy simply good, active fun, but will also help GoGo squeeZ give back to the New York community through a product donation to City Harvest. For every virtual "check-in" via Four Square, GoGo squeeZ will donate an additional snack pouch to this leading organization in food rescue, ensuring that all New Yorkers have access to healthy food options.
"We are delighted to bring GoGo squeeZ and safe space for outdoor play to New York City through Summer Streets, as a part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the goals of Let's Move!," said Meena Mansharamani, Managing Director for Materne North America, in reference to the First Lady's initiative to promote healthier lifestyles among today's youth. "Our Free Play Zone allows families to enjoy healthier snacking with GoGo squeeZ, which lets kids enjoy the simplicity and goodness of childhood, while supporting a wonderful local cause through our product donation to City Harvest."
For more information on joining the GoGo Gang, visit http://www.materne.us/, or visit the GoGo squeeZ Facebook page
About Materne's GoGo squeeZ
GoGo squeeZ all natural squeezable applesauce is simple, yummy fun, and it delights like a game of tag or a run through the sprinkler in the backyard. We believe in real fun foods that are easy, smart and fit into moms' busy lives, giving them the freedom to say "yes" more often when their kids want a treat.
Since 1998, billions of Materne's innovative pouches have been sold to families around the world to enjoy for breakfast, in lunchboxes, on the run, during errands, at games and always with a smile. It's a happier way to get just a little bit healthier every day.
GoGo squeeZ is sold at Whole Foods, Costco, Walmart, Target, Publix and a growing list of other major retailers, and was recently featured on "Good Morning America", CHOW.com, and in Parents magazine as a top healthy snack for children.
For more information, please visit: http://www.gogosqueez.com/ or find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
About TerraCycle
TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling and recycling company that takes difficult to recycle packaging and turns it into affordable, eco-friendly products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle (http://www.terracycle.net/) is the world's leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste.
TerraCycle works with over thirty major brands in the U.S. (and in a growing number of other countries) to collect used packaging and products (chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches, pens, toothbrushes, etc.) that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It repurposes that waste into new eco-friendly materials and products that are available online and through major retailers.
The waste is collected through TerraCycle's Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay schools and non-profits for every piece of waste they collect and return. For information on how to join a TerraCycle Brigade and on purchasing TerraCycle products please visit us at http://www.terracycle.net/.
About Summer Streets
Established in 2008 by the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT), Summer Streets takes valuable public space—the city's streets—and opens them up to people to play, walk, bike, and breathe. For three Saturdays in August, nearly seven miles of car-free streets in Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park provide space for healthy recreation and echo the goal of PlaNYC, Mayor Bloomberg's sustainability agenda, to engineer a greener, greater New York City by 2030. Each year Summer Streets features a diverse range of all-inclusive, free programming along the route – including picnic areas, outdoor fitness classes, musical performances and art exhibitions – designed to engage people and appeal to different types of interests. For more information, visit www.nyc.gov/summerstreets.
GoGo squeeZ, the fun applesauce with an active attitude, is on a mission to help kids squeeze a bit of GoGo Time—simply good, active fun—into each and every day. As part of that mission, GoGo squeeZ teamed up with the New York City Department of Transportation for the fourth annual Summer Streets event, held on Manhattan's Park Avenue, which is completely closed to vehicles and wide open for family fun. For the past two Saturdays, New York families have been turning up at the GoGo squeeZ Free Play Zone in Foley Square (the event's starting location near Worth, Centre and Lafayette Streets in downtown Manhattan) between 7:00 am and 1:00 pm to get their share of GoGo Time, while taking part in family-friendly activities and eco-friendly crafts.
Now, GoGo squeeZ is giving back to the New York community by donating 2,000 snack pouches to City Harvest, a leader in food collection and donation to New York's hungry. And to celebrate the final weekend of Summer Streets, GoGo squeeZ has pledged to donate an additional snack pouch for every Four Square check-in at their Free Play Zone this Saturday, August 20.
GoGo squeeZ is the first squeezable, re-sealable, all natural, 100% fruit applesauce snack for kids in the U.S. Packaged in convenient pouches with a built-in straw, GoGo squeeZ is gluten free, dairy free, and made with no refined sugar. All five delicious flavors are Kosher-certified and provide 3/4 serving of fruit. Available in flavors including AppleApple, AppleBanana, ApplePeach, AppleStrawberry and AppleCinnamon, GoGo squeeZ may be found at major retailers nationwide for a suggested retail price of $2.99 per four-pack.
This summer the GoGo squeeZ team is bringing their fun and active snack solution to families on the go. The brand's Free Play Zone at Summer Streets delivers imaginative play to New York City along with its wholesome, no spoon=no mess snack. GoGo squeeZ's Free Play Zone hosts organized games and activities, the Family Flipbook project, and the squeeZ More out of Life conversation wall, through which each participant will become an official member of the GoGo Gang, and help bring GoGo Time to others.
By joining the GoGo Gang online (http://www.gogogang.com/) or by attending Summer Streets, members will support a nationwide brigade of parents and kids that are dedicated to getting a daily dose of GoGo Time. When the GoGo Gang is 100,000 members strong, GoGo squeeZ will team up with national play partner Action for Healthy Kids (http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/) to renovate a playspace in an under-served community, making it easy and fun for children in the area to get their GoGo Time.
Additionally, families who visit the Free Play Zone will have the chance to turn excess pre-consumer GoGo squeeZ packaging into new items like a change purse or decorative bow through GoGo squeeZ's partnership with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle®, Inc, which launched earlier this year.
By visiting the Free Play Zone this Saturday, families will not only enjoy simply good, active fun, but will also help GoGo squeeZ give back to the New York community through a product donation to City Harvest. For every virtual "check-in" via Four Square, GoGo squeeZ will donate an additional snack pouch to this leading organization in food rescue, ensuring that all New Yorkers have access to healthy food options.
"We are delighted to bring GoGo squeeZ and safe space for outdoor play to New York City through Summer Streets, as a part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the goals of Let's Move!," said Meena Mansharamani, Managing Director for Materne North America, in reference to the First Lady's initiative to promote healthier lifestyles among today's youth. "Our Free Play Zone allows families to enjoy healthier snacking with GoGo squeeZ, which lets kids enjoy the simplicity and goodness of childhood, while supporting a wonderful local cause through our product donation to City Harvest."
For more information on joining the GoGo Gang, visit http://www.materne.us/, or visit the GoGo squeeZ Facebook page
About Materne's GoGo squeeZ
GoGo squeeZ all natural squeezable applesauce is simple, yummy fun, and it delights like a game of tag or a run through the sprinkler in the backyard. We believe in real fun foods that are easy, smart and fit into moms' busy lives, giving them the freedom to say "yes" more often when their kids want a treat.
Since 1998, billions of Materne's innovative pouches have been sold to families around the world to enjoy for breakfast, in lunchboxes, on the run, during errands, at games and always with a smile. It's a happier way to get just a little bit healthier every day.
GoGo squeeZ is sold at Whole Foods, Costco, Walmart, Target, Publix and a growing list of other major retailers, and was recently featured on "Good Morning America", CHOW.com, and in Parents magazine as a top healthy snack for children.
For more information, please visit: http://www.gogosqueez.com/ or find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
About TerraCycle
TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling and recycling company that takes difficult to recycle packaging and turns it into affordable, eco-friendly products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle (http://www.terracycle.net/) is the world's leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste.
TerraCycle works with over thirty major brands in the U.S. (and in a growing number of other countries) to collect used packaging and products (chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches, pens, toothbrushes, etc.) that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It repurposes that waste into new eco-friendly materials and products that are available online and through major retailers.
The waste is collected through TerraCycle's Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay schools and non-profits for every piece of waste they collect and return. For information on how to join a TerraCycle Brigade and on purchasing TerraCycle products please visit us at http://www.terracycle.net/.
About Summer Streets
Established in 2008 by the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT), Summer Streets takes valuable public space—the city's streets—and opens them up to people to play, walk, bike, and breathe. For three Saturdays in August, nearly seven miles of car-free streets in Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park provide space for healthy recreation and echo the goal of PlaNYC, Mayor Bloomberg's sustainability agenda, to engineer a greener, greater New York City by 2030. Each year Summer Streets features a diverse range of all-inclusive, free programming along the route – including picnic areas, outdoor fitness classes, musical performances and art exhibitions – designed to engage people and appeal to different types of interests. For more information, visit www.nyc.gov/summerstreets.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Meal for a Meal program by Barilla
An integral part of Italian food and culture is sharing the table with family and friends, and Barilla will be giving New Yorkers the opportunity to do just that as the Barilla Pasta Truck takes Manhattan by storm.
From August 15 to 18, the Barilla Pasta Truck will be stationed at busy commuter hubs between 4 and 8 p.m., giving New Yorkers an easy way to share the table with families and friends in the form of Spaghettata To-Go dinner kits. Each kit will include a box of Barilla spaghetti, fresh greens, a jar of Barilla sauce, exclusive Academia Barilla olive oil and vinegar and two tickets to Casa Barilla™ (a $10 value).
For every dinner kit distributed, Barilla will donate $1 to the Food Bank For New York City. Every dollar will provide five meals to New Yorkers in need.
August 16 at 7th Ave between West 31st Street and West 32nd Street
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
9-Year-Old Rachel Beckwith’s Final Wish Inspires Thousands to Give
For her 9th birthday, Rachel Beckwith asked for donations to a charity to promote clean water around the world. After her tragic death in a car accident, thousands have given to her cause.

For Rachel Beckwith’s 9th birthday, she didn’t ask for toys, dolls, or a new pair of shoes. Instead, the Seattle-area girl made a selfless wish: She wanted her friends and family to donate money to the nonprofit group charity:water, so that people in developing countries could have access to the clean drinking water.
“On June 12th 2011, I’m turning 9,” she wrote on her fundraising page. “I found out that millions of people don’t live to see their 5th birthday. And why? Because they didn’t have access to clean, safe water so I’m celebrating my birthday like never before,” her fundraising page says. “I’m asking from everyone I know to donate to my campaign instead of gifts for my birthday.”
Rachel’s goal amount was $300, but she fell a bit short, raising $220 from her network of friends and relatives. That didn’t bother her much, though—she figured she could raise more the following year.
Tragically, that’s not to be: Rachel was a passenger in one of the 14 cars involved in a highway accident. After spending several days in a hospital, she was taken off of life support on Saturday.
But as news of her death spread, so did the story of her fundraising wish. Now, Rachel’s fundraising page has received donations from more than four thousand people, totaling over $84,000. All of that money will go towards building wells in developing countries, which will go a long way towards preventing the spread of disease.
“Life is coming out of this death, with Rachel’s generosity,” Rachel’s pastor, Ryan Meeks, told CNN.
To make a donation, check out Rachel’s fundraising page.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Bellevue girl dies after crash; her spirit of giving inspires others
Rachel Beckwith, 9, died Saturday after a tragic car accident earlier in the week. A website she had used to raise money for a charity was inundated with donations in her name.
Seattle Times staff reporter
Rachel Beckwith, the 9-year-old Bellevue girl critically injured Wednesday in a horrific I-90 pile up, died Saturday of her injuries.
Last month, in lieu of presents for her 9th birthday, Rachel had raised $220 for a charity providing water to villages in Africa. As she was taken off life support at Harborview Medical Center, sympathy for the little girl and her family since the accident had already poured a further $22,000-plus into the fund.
Wednesday morning, her mother, Samantha Paul, was traveling westbound in a car on I-90 with Rachel and younger sister Sienna in the back when a semitrailer jackknifed into a logging truck. Logs crashed down onto traffic, more than a dozen vehicles were caught in the pileup, and the semi rear-ended Paul's car.
Rachel was the only person critically injured.
Jeremy Johnson, a pastor at Eastlake Church in Bothell, where the family attends services, said doctors told the parents they couldn't save Rachel because of her severe spinal and head injuries.
Johnson said Rachel had been inspired by a church fundraiser last year that raised money for "charity:water," a nonprofit working in Africa to bring clean drinking water to people. She wanted to follow the lead of the founder of the charity, Scott Harrison, who had used his own 34th and 35th birthdays as deadlines to raise money.
In May, on the charity's website, her mother set up a donation page with a statement from Rachel that set a goal to raise $300 by her June 12th birthday.
Her idea was that, since the charity estimates every $20 donated provides one person with clean water, she could help 15 kids if she met her goal.
"I'm celebrating my birthday like never before," Rachel's statement said. "I'm asking from everyone I know to donate to my campaign instead of gifts for my birthday."
She missed her target by $80, and Johnson said she was already planning to raise more next year.
The lead pastor of Eastlake Church, Ryan Meeks, was in the Central African Republic touring charity:water projects when news reached him of the accident. He called Harrison on Friday, who then reactivated Rachel's fundraising page and donated the $80 she needed to reach her goal.
After that, donations poured in. Seahawks quarterback Matt Hasselbeck, a member of the Bothell church, tweeted about Rachel's fundraising effort.
By the time she died Saturday afternoon, her site had raised more than $22,400 and was still climbing.
Johnson said $5,000 is enough to provide a well to an African village.
"Four villages will have wells because Rachel had a passion," he said.
Donations can be made at www.mycharitywater.org/p/campaign?campaign_id=16396
Dominic Gates: 206-464-2963 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 206-464-2963 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or dgates@seattletimes.com
Thursday, July 14, 2011
John Malone Giving Denver School Of Science And Technology $7 Million
The Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST) had a welcome surprise Tuesday, to the tune of $7 million dollars. John Malone, the chairman of Liberty Media, said he will donate $4 million to the school this year and an additional $3 million through 2013, reports the Denver Business Journal.
Bill Kurtz, the chief executive of the Denver School of Science and Technology, told the Denver Post the money will help open five new schools in the Metro area.
According to a press release from DSST, the system currently serves 1,500 students with five schools across three campuses. At full enrollment, DSST plans to serve nearly 4,500 students.
The Denver School of Science and Technology has received wide acclaim since opening its doors in 2004. In 2010 the school was one of three finalists nationally in a competition to host President Obama for a graduation speech. Though beat out by a school in Michigan, 100 percent of DSST graduates have earned admission four-year colleges.
Bill Kurtz, the chief executive of the Denver School of Science and Technology, told the Denver Post the money will help open five new schools in the Metro area.
According to a press release from DSST, the system currently serves 1,500 students with five schools across three campuses. At full enrollment, DSST plans to serve nearly 4,500 students.
The Denver School of Science and Technology has received wide acclaim since opening its doors in 2004. In 2010 the school was one of three finalists nationally in a competition to host President Obama for a graduation speech. Though beat out by a school in Michigan, 100 percent of DSST graduates have earned admission four-year colleges.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sam's Club® Celebrates Fourth of July Holiday with $300 in Savings
June 29-July 4 Event Offers eValues to All Members
By Sam's Club
Published: Wednesday, Jun. 29, 2011 - 2:10 am
BENTONVILLE, Ark., June 29, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Sam's Club today opened its eValues savings, a benefit typically reserved for the highest level of membership, to all members and invited them to take advantage of $300 in special savings on hot summer items June 29-July 4.
"Just in time for Independence Day, we are offering all members freedom to sample our eValues and find everything they need for the holiday," said Mike Turner, senior vice president of Membership at Sam's Club. "From TVs and computers to hamburgers, cheese trays and pork barbecue, we are celebrating with summer savings.
"If members take advantage of all our featured items, they could save $300 during the event being held in all Sam's Club locations throughout the country," Turner said.
eValues are extra discounts loaded directly onto a Plus member's Sam's Club card, providing extra savings on products. Current Plus Members will receive the promoted items in addition to their regular eValues savings during the celebration.
Through eValues, Sam's Club Plus Members can experience the convenience of coupons without clipping. Plus Members receive notification of the latest eValue offers regularly, ranging from food to electronics and office supplies. These offers are automatically loaded onto members' Sam's Club cards and remain active for a limited time. Members can check for active discounts online through their Sam's Club account by downloading the Sam's Club Application to a smart phone or at the eValues kiosk at their local club.
The products featured in the June 29-July 4 celebration are some of summer's hottest buys and most in demand for the long holiday weekend.
Featured products and savings* include:
Current Advantage and Business Members can upgrade to a Plus Membership online or in their local clubs. Non-members can also apply for membership online or in their local clubs.
Visit SamsClub.com for a list of other benefits of Plus membership, including early shopping hours beginning at 7 a.m. Monday through Saturday.
"Just in time for Independence Day, we are offering all members freedom to sample our eValues and find everything they need for the holiday," said Mike Turner, senior vice president of Membership at Sam's Club. "From TVs and computers to hamburgers, cheese trays and pork barbecue, we are celebrating with summer savings.
"If members take advantage of all our featured items, they could save $300 during the event being held in all Sam's Club locations throughout the country," Turner said.
eValues are extra discounts loaded directly onto a Plus member's Sam's Club card, providing extra savings on products. Current Plus Members will receive the promoted items in addition to their regular eValues savings during the celebration.
Through eValues, Sam's Club Plus Members can experience the convenience of coupons without clipping. Plus Members receive notification of the latest eValue offers regularly, ranging from food to electronics and office supplies. These offers are automatically loaded onto members' Sam's Club cards and remain active for a limited time. Members can check for active discounts online through their Sam's Club account by downloading the Sam's Club Application to a smart phone or at the eValues kiosk at their local club.
The products featured in the June 29-July 4 celebration are some of summer's hottest buys and most in demand for the long holiday weekend.
Featured products and savings* include:
- $2 off Ground Chuck or Lean Ground Beef
- $2 off Byron's Pulled Pork Barbecue, 4 lbs.
- $1 off Seedless Watermelon
- $2 off Lattice Apple Pie
- $2 off American Burger Classics Cheese Tray
- $2 off Artisan Fresh® Chicken Sausage, 3 lbs.
- $2 off Charmin Ultra Soft or Charmin Ultra Strong, 36 family rolls
- $2 off Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, 12 super rolls
- $1.75 off Gatorade® G2, 24-count Variety Pack
- $1.50 off Honey Nut Cheerios Twin Pack
- $125 off HP dv6-6167cl 15.6" Intel® Core™ i5 Notebook or HP Pavilion p7-1037cb Desktop AMD Athlon II 645 Quad-Core
- $50 off Samsung 40" 60HZ LED TV
- $30 off Invicta Angel Monotone Ladies' Watch
- $25 off HP 564 XL Ink
- $20 off Samsung 3D Wi-Fi Ready Blu-ray Home Theater System
- $15 off HP Photosmart Plus e-All-in-One
- $6 off Prilosec OTC
- $5 off Rubbermaid glass storage
- $5 off Crest Whitening + Scope
- $2.50 off Tide HE Liquid Laundry Detergent or Tide with Febreze Liquid Laundry Detergent, 170 oz.
- $2.50 off Clorox wipes 4-pack
Current Advantage and Business Members can upgrade to a Plus Membership online or in their local clubs. Non-members can also apply for membership online or in their local clubs.
Visit SamsClub.com for a list of other benefits of Plus membership, including early shopping hours beginning at 7 a.m. Monday through Saturday.
Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/29/3735155/sams-club-celebrates-fourth-of.html#ixzz1QjsKoNtQ
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Helping Schools Make a Splash By MELANIE GRAYCE WEST
Through the nonprofit Publicolor, Deven Parekh is helping brighten up New York City schools with a fresh coat of paint and, in turn, giving some students a fresh start in school.
Mr. Parekh, 41 years old, is a managing director of New York-based Insight Venture Partners, a private-equity and venture-capital firm. He serves as board chairman of Publicolor and most recently gave a gift of $35,000 in honor of the organization's 15th anniversary.
Publicolor goes into city schools and provides a fresh coat of colorful paint to liven up drab interiors. With the help of the nonprofit's volunteers and staff members, students participate in the redesign process and do the painting. Through the Publicolor program, students develop excitement, pride and sense of ownership in their surroundings that, in turn, motivate them to be better students, Mr. Parekh says.
After the painting project ends, the program offers ongoing support to the participants through club activities, including mentoring, life-skills workshops, career training and reading and writing immersion. Those students go on to other schools and help train other student painters.
As students get older, they participate in college preparatory classes, SAT preparation and college tours. Last year, all of the graduating Publicolor students went on to college and the organization provided some gap scholarships to students. About two-thirds of all Publicolor college students use their professional painting skills to earn extra money.
"We're really able to change the course and trajectory of kids' lives," says Mr. Parekh.
Mr. Parekh has been involved with the program for about five years, first learning about the organization at an Aspen Institute breakfast where he was, by chance, seated next to Publicolor's founder and president, Ruth Lande Shuman.
Now, Mr. Parekh's son is involved. His 11-year-old had a birthday painting party in January where the boy's friends painted with students and Publicolor staff. In lieu of giving birthday gifts, guests were asked to donate to the organization. Mr. Parekh regularly volunteers to paint on weekends and jokes that you don't have to be a skilled painter to participate because Publicolor has a touch-up crew.
"It ended up working great because kids like to paint," says Mr. Parekh. "So it was fun, but they also got to see that they're doing something more than just getting gifts."
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Zuckerberg tops tech's generous donors list
Donation: $100 million to Newark schools
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a splash in September with a company blog post titled "Startup: Education" -- plus an appearance on Oprah.
In the post, Zuckerberg waxed poetic about the problems in school systems nationwide -- and especially that of one troubled New Jersey city. "Newark has unfortunately become a symbol of public education's failure -- of a status quo that accepts schools that don't succeed," Zuck wrote. Zuckerberg said he would donate Facebook stock valued at $100 million to Newark's public schools. As part of the deal, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie handed some control of the state-run school system to Newark Mayor Cory Booker.
Zuckerberg, who dropped out of Harvard in 2002 to get Facebook off the ground, wrote that he looked forward to giving Newark's 40,000 students the same educational opportunities he had received.
By Julianne Pepitone, staff reporter
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